Friday, August 23, 2013

Becoming A Blogger

So I've always been the type to share exactly what I think with others. I mean I'm no K. Michelle, although I love her to death, but you get my point. I am the friend you don't ask the right question to when you want the wrong answer! So here I am all enthused about blogging, because hey it should come natural to me, but I find my self thinking of what to say or what to share with the world. How does that happen? The girl with the most to say is now suddenly speechless in her writing. I may be a little shy but there is no turning back now......welcome to my blog! WINK!

Sunday, August 11, 2013


 It was a pretty normal Sunday for me today. The rain kept me inside all weekend, so today I decided to meet up with some friends. Just a normal girls shopping trip that ended with us at our favorite Mexican restaurant. The skies were still dark and gloomy from the rain and the clouds had yet to subside. So I decided to throw a little color into my life through my outfit. I paired a simple screened tee I purchased from Ross Dress for Less along with some sea green jeggings. I then paired with it some fun accessories and wallah...I could see the light. A splash of color always brightens my day, no more dark and gloomy for me!

Lipstick Lover

It was never really in me to wear makeup. Even as a young and fashion savvy teen I never really seen the purpose of makeup. What can I say? I was your average "tomboy" growing up. I was more into sneakers and climbing trees than I was into beautifying myself in front of the mirror, or sneaking into my mother's room "borrowing" her favorite blush or eye shadow. This past year I have seen colors splashed across the lips of models, classmates, and party goers and I found myself to be intrigued. No longer am I waving my hand high as the girl who never wears makeup, I'm giving into my new found interest and I am diving head first into the world of makeup! So here I am walking down the makeup isles of my favorite stores, and I pause in front of every area that contains my once absent interest of makeup. So I grab a color here and there, and I must say....I stand today as a proud

Lipstick Lover. So take a look at my favorite colors that I have tried over the summer. Maybe you too will become a Lipstick Lover!